last SAT's playlist

i know, i know... BAD me. Baaaaaad.
its already friday and i didnt even post the last song list.
well anyways last SAT was a blast. Hell i even came up on a free chick. who'd a thunk. FUCKin A. anyways the broadcast is now becoming a standing date here at the house. people come and grill and listen to punk rock and talk shit. there are some pics. i'l post them so you can actually see what goes on here at the station at the end of the world. THANKS to DJ ROMAN and Last Word for thier work on the after hours set. IT ROCKED. this sat will starts at two but my show starts at 5 and goes till nine! more soon...
Monty Python - Announcement
God Save the Queen -Motörhead
We Got The Beat -Poison Idea
Bigmouth Strikes Again -Slapshot
Blitzkrieg Bop -Green Day
Rawhide -Dead Kennedys
Build Me Up Buttercup -The Muffs
I Faught The Law -Stray Cats
99 Red Balloons -7 seconds
Fortunate Son -Circle Jerks
Jerimiah Was A Bullfrog -Ten Foot Pole
We're Only Gonna Die For Our Arrogance -Sublime
East LA -Manic Hispanic
Viva Las Vegas -Dead Kennedys
Tiny Dance -Red Hot Chili Peppers
Ripple -jane's addiction
Girl U Want -Superchunk
Head On -The Pixies
La Bamba -Rancid
Kick out of the jams -Rage Against The Machine
Like A Virgin -Marilyn Manson & Nine Inch Nails
The Harder They Come -Long Beach Dub All Stars
Harder They Come -Poison Idea
Ziggy Stardust -Bauhaus
Ferris Bueler -Movie quote
Close to Me -Get Up Kids
Promising Leads -The Big Lebowski
I melt with you -Saves the Day
the boys of summer -The Ataris
Its friday -Chris Tucker
Bob Marley Medley -Sublime
The Joker - homer simpson
Sexual Healing -Ben Harper
Forgetaboutit -Donnie Brasco
Oh Canaduh -Subhumans
Aloha Spicoli -Fast Times
Kung Fu Fighting -Suburban Rhythm
Super Freak -Membranes
Dave Chapelle -Rick James Bitch
Dear God -tricky
James Bond Theme -Skatalites
Jesus Tirade -Big Lebowski
Ladi Dadi -Snoop Doggy Dog
The Vines -miss jackson
Fat Bastard -Get in my Belly
I Don't Wanna Go Out -Ashley Von Hurter & the Haters
Dust in the wind -DJ Z Trip
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